Magnificent and Marvelous Ideas About Security

  • Security Features For Your Home That Don't Require Fancy Computer Equipment

    8 June 2016

    Many of today's home security features are driven by technology; this can include locks that you control remotely through an app on your smartphone, as well as security cameras that are triggered when someone comes onto your property. However, what if you're not very computer savvy or don't want to invest in all that technology? There are other ways of adding security to your home, even without owning a computer in the first place.

  • Tips for Eliminating Blindspots with Your Security System Cameras

    25 May 2016

    If you are looking to incorporate CCTV surveillance into your security system, one of the concerns you will have is eliminating blindspots. A blindspot is an area that is not within the peripheral vision of your security camera. Blindspots tend to be common for a number of reasons. These will range from the vantage point of the camera, the resolution of the camera as well as the illumination available for the camera.

  • Tips For Purchasing The Best Home Security Screen Doors

    24 May 2016

    There are various ways to improve security around the residential premises. The installation of a security screen door is one of the best ways to do this. A good quality security screen door is bound to be costly. Thus, homeowners looking to invest in one such door need to ensure that they get maximum value for their well-spent money. Below are a few things that every homeowner should remember when looking to purchase the best home security screen doors.

  • How to protect your business from burglary

    28 April 2016

    As a small business owner, you have a lot to think about regarding your job. One of those things might be how to protect your business from people wanting to damage it. Burglary and theft is something many people are worried about, and it can be even more difficult to protect your business from it than your home, as you don't spend all your time at your workplace. However, in order to protect your business from intruders, there are a few things you can think about.